Meet Ambu-Mouse. He is the ambulance driver for the town of Cheeseville. His car is made of cheese. The roof of of his vehicle and tires are made of Cheddar cheese and the body is made of Mozzarella cheese. By Jamie Rosier ©

Ambu-Mouse | Ambulance Driver For The Town Of Cheeseville

Ambu-Mouse is the ambulance driver for the town of Cheeseville. His car is made of cheese. Created by Jamie Rosier on
Meet Ambu-Mouse. He is the ambulance driver for the town of Cheeseville. His car is made of cheese. The roof of of his vehicle and tires are made of Cheddar cheese and the body is made of Mozzarella cheese. 
Meet Ambu-Mouse. He is the ambulance driver for the town of Cheeseville. His car is made of cheese. The roof of of his vehicle and tires are made of Cheddar cheese and the body is made of Mozzarella cheese.  Stinklet Mouse. By Jamie Rosier©
You will often find Ambu-Mouse rushing to the scene to help Stinklet's tail, who happens to be a rotten smelly mouse that tends to get his tail stuck in everything. Ambu-Mouse is a part of the story in "Stincel And Ringlet And The Adventures Of The Cherry Ice Cream Cave".
Meet Ambu-Mouse. He is the ambulance driver for the town of Cheeseville. His car is made of cheese. The roof of of his vehicle and tires are made of Cheddar cheese and the body is made of Mozzarella cheese.  Stinklet Mouse. By Jamie Rosier©
The illustration above is of Ambu-Mouse and Stinklet at the cheese cave.
Illustrated by Jamie Rosier © Copyright © 2019 All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized Sharing Is Prohibited.
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