Stincel And Ringlet And The Adventures Of The Cherry Ice Cream Cave
Jamie Rosier© Copyright © 2019 DogAndMouseCompany© All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized sharing is prohibited.
Quick Summery: Stincel And Ringlet is a story about two young entrepreneurs that take a journey into a cave after hearing about it from their superhero friend Woodpepper. Their expedition reveled to them the secrets of the Cherry Ice Cream Cave and now it is up to them to save the cave creatures from villainous attacks.
Let's meet some of the characters and hear their backstory.
Meet Ringlet, a shorter stubbier version of his brother Stincel, both of whom live in the town of Cheeseville. He has a passion for drawing cartoons and daydreams of becoming a world known artist. He is in charge of running the online businesses that he and his brother Stincel have. On the surface Ringlet is an excitably anxious mouse that tends to become irritable when things don't go his way. He is his own worst critic and is very hard on himself. He strives to be a perfect mouse, but it doesn't come easily. He secretly wishes he could be more like his brother, because he always has it together. His heart is full of generosity, compassion, and sympathy, although he would rather be seen as a tough guy. Ringlet is currently working on cartoon characters for a story he is creating and can be found working deep into the night. One day after hearing another exciting story from their old friend Woodpepper, Ringlet and Stincel decide to go check out this cave that Woodpepper keeps talking about. Little did they know it would take them on the adventure of a lifetime.
Meet Stincel, a one toothed, calm, intelligent, taller version of his brother Ringlet. Being an intelligent and clever mouse, he sometimes likes to remind Ringlet of that with his smart mouth. He is in charge of the financial side of their online businesses and has a good eye for picking things out that would sell well. He doesn't let his brother Ringlet pick out the items to sell online anymore, because he always picks out things that don't do so good. Stincel tells Ringlet he just needs to stick with what he's good at (which is basically drawing cartoons) and leave the money making ideas up to him. Stincel used to work for the Post Office and left that job to run his own business. He currently sells wood for a living but is always looking for new ideas to make more money.
Meet Pecan and Walnut! Two low profile mice that live in Stincel and Ringlet's desks. They randomly show up on the scene talking quietly or doing something sneaky and then quickly disappearing out of sight.
Meet Stinklet, a rotten, smelly mouse that has a zero IQ and tends to get his tail caught in everything. This is why you see him holding his tail a lot. Stinklet lives at the dump in a house that is mostly constructed out of trash and molded cheese. This would explain the foul odor he leaves behind everywhere he goes. You can often see Stincel and Ringlet airing out their office and spraying a ton of room deodorizer after Stinklet leaves. Stinklet was adopted and raised by cockroaches. He is a friend of Stincel and Ringlet and frequently stops by their office to visit them and bring them something gross he baked. Sometimes Stincel and Ringlet will stuff the nasty smelling food in the freezer when Freezer Burn (Drip Drop) is sleeping, and it will stink up the whole freezer and it turns him a nasty green color because the smell soaked into his skin.
Meet Stinklet's Parents, Mr. Odoriferous and Mrs. Malodorous Cockroach. But for short you can call them Odo and Mal. They adopted Stinklet the mouse when he was just a baby and raised him. They live at the dump close to where Stinklet lives.
Meet Ambu-Mouse, AKA Ambulance Mouse driver for the town of Cheeseville. You will generally see him rushing to the scene to help Stinklet's tail.
Jerry The Mailman- The elderly mailman mouse who brings and picks up the packages for Stincel and Ringlet.
Meet Drip Drop, AKA Freezer Burn. A friend of Stincel and Ringlet and he just happens to have an infatuation with ice. His real name is "Drip Drop" but he prefers to go by the alias "Freezer Burn". He lives in Stincel and Ringlet's office freezer. He occupies his time by constructing things from the ice cubes. He makes some really ugly ice pieces. He tried to build himself an igloo, but it turned out too small for him to fit in. Sometimes he sleep walks in the middle of the night and accidentally leaves the freezer door open and freezes Stincel and Ringlet's office over with icicles. Freezer Burn has unique blood and is unlike any other mouse out there. His blood won't freeze so it allows him to withstand the frigid temperatures.
Meet Woodpepper, but goes by his superhero nickname he gave himself called Link! A friend of Stincel and Ringlet. He volunteered as a lab rat at Gold Key Labs for some extra cash and ended up with superpowers. His has the ability to see deep within the earth to locate different worlds underground. He can also fly, lift heavy objects like buildings, and shoot out pepper from his large over-sized ears to make his enemies sneeze. He likes to use them on mean cats if they get after him. He carries a gold key tucked in his belt that goes to a special door hidden deep within a cave that he discovered, called the "Cherry Ice Cream Cave" that is guarded by a cotton candy king. Behind this locked door is where you can find singing cotton candy plants growing. When they sing, music notes come out of their mouths that are actually delicious pieces of candy that you can eat. Each music note holds a superpower. So if you eat one you never know which superpower you will get. It's always a surprise. The superpower is only good for 24 hours and then it goes away. And they are not always a superpower. Sometimes they are something goofy and silly and has no purpose. Woodpepper is always telling Stincel and Ringlet about his exciting stories when he goes to this cave, and naturally their curiosity gets the best of them and they decide to go check out this cave out for themselves which takes them on the adventure of a lifetime.
Meet Starnote. A greedy villainous creature that is devoted to plotting one wicked plan after another. He is the son of Sir Rhythmic and Queen Buttercookie. His mother is a star and ruler of the star cookie cave and his father is a music note king and the ruler of the music note cave. Both caves are located deep within the Cherry Ice Cream Cave.
Meet, Sir Rhythmic! He is the king and ruler of the music note cavern that is located deep within the Cherry Ice Cream Cave. He is married to a star shaped cookie named Queen Buttercookie. Sir Rhythmic and his wife Queen Buttercookie live in a castle and have many children including one villain named Starnote. They are always remodeling their caves. They just finished painting the music note cave entrance pink and blue because his wife wanted those colors. He is still trying to get use to what she did to his cave.
Meet, Queen Buttercookie . She is a star shaped cookie. The wife to Sir Rhythmic, who is a music note. She is the ruler of the star cookie cave that is located within the Cherry Ice Cream cave. Her and Sir Rhythmic have many sweet children together including one villainous son named Starnote. One of her favorite things to do is tend to her cookie garden that is right outside next to their castle. She grows cookie flowers through out the year. It's an old family recipe that's been passed down for many generations. Sometimes, her husband Sir Rhythmic gets carried away and eats to many cookies and ends up getting a lengthy lecture on self-control.
Meet Roaster- The ruler of the Volcano Lava Cake land. He rules over his kingdom underneath the Cherry Ice Cream cave with his army of lava cake men. They are capable of getting really hot and melting anything they come in contact with. He teams up with a rotten visitor and conspires with him to devise a plan to wreak havoc on the Cherry Ice Cream cave.
Now that you have gotten to know all the characters we can get on to the story!
Read below to see what happens.
Stincel And Ringlet
And The Adventures Of The Cherry Ice Cream Cave
Part 1
Stincel and Ringlet finally found the Cherry Ice Cream Cave that their friend Woodpepper had been talking about. You see, Woodpepper would go on and on with his stories about what was in this cave and Stincel and Ringlet couldn't take it anymore. They just had to check it out for themselves. So they headed off into the woods to see if they could find it too. And boy did they! Stincel and Ringlet didn't hesitate and crawled right into that cave.
Immediately they found themselves standing on what appeared to be many different flavors of ice cream like chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla. The top of the cave was dripping with stalactites of cherries and vanilla ice cream.
All of a sudden their smiles turned to frowns. They could hear what seemed to be crying in the distance.
As they walked a little closer to check it out they saw a scared and crying Cherry Man. Stincel and Ringlet asked him what's wrong and the Cherry Man said that he heard a noise and it scared him. "I didn't know who had come into our cave and you scared me."
Mr. Cherry Man was relieved that the noise he heard was just two mice and his frown was turned upside down. Stincel and Ringlet told Mr. Cherry man that were here to check out this amazing cave that their friend Woodpepper had told them about. "WOODPEPPER!", Mr. Cherry man yelled. "Well, why didn't you say so in the first place! He is pretty well known around here and a good friend of mine." Stincel and Ringlet told Mr. Cherry man that they were looking for the secret hidden door that is guarded by the Cotton Candy King. Mr. Cherry man told them to just keep walking and that they would eventually run into him. They thanked him and continued on their journey in search for that door.
The next cavern over was where the candy cane bats hang out. Ringlet got his phone out and took a picture of the amazing candy cane floor. Even though the candy cane dripstone looked good enough to eat, they were informed by the candy cane bats not to touch it, because it would stop growing. These bats feed off of the peppermint cakes that are whipped up by Mr. Peppermint Stick baker and his tiny sidekick mouse helper named Sugar Stick.
Stincel and Ringlet were invited by the candy cane bats to stay for supper. So they did and had a nice slice of fluffy delicious peppermint cake. After they finished eating their cake they headed off to the next cavern.
Ahead in the distance, they could hear a faint sound of water trickling. As they got closer they found that it wasn't water at all. It was actually a river flowing with cheese that was protected by the pizza guardians. Stincel and Ringlet found themselves sunk into a scrumptious pepperoni and cheese pizza. It was all warm and gooey and tasted great. If you take a bite it just grows right back. So they chewed their way through to the next cavern which just happened to be the Chocolate Bar Cave.
Stincel and Ringlet found the chocolate bar cave and talked to Mr. Chocolate for a little bit. They told him that they were looking for the secret door that was guarded by the cotton candy king. Mr. Chocolate smiled and told them that they needed to cross the bridge to get to the other side. Underneath this bridge was a river of smooth delicious chocolate. Stincel and Ringlet were tempted to jump in but they passed up the urge to do so. On their way out they stopped at the marshmallow bush to pluck a few off to eat just as Mr. Chocolate had suggested for them to do.
All that could be heard was the sound of them chomping and slurping. These marshmallows didn't taste like the ones that they had back home. The flavor would change with every bite they took from chocolate to coconut to strawberry.
Once they were done smacking on their marshmallows they marched forward into what appeared to be a cloud cave filled with twinkling stars. The top and bottom of the cave was nothing but clouds, blueberry clouds, to be exact. The entire cave smelt like one big blueberry. Ringlet really loves the stars so he really thought this place was extra cool. The stars were all one big family. While they were talking to the master star they heard footsteps coming their way. It was Mr. Cloud Puff! He was told that if two mice, one dressed in a red shirt and the other in a blue shirt, came down here that they would be looking for a key. He handed them a gold key that had the letter C attached to it and told them that this key would open the door that they were looking for. All they had to do was give it to the Cotton Candy King and he would open the door for them. Stincel and Ringlet were so excited.
With the key in hand, Stincel and Ringlet waved goodbye to Mr. Cloud Puff and the star family and set off to see what was up ahead.
Stincel and Ringlet found themselves in a place where chocolate chip cookie trees grow and where cookies sprout from the ground. Stincel and Ringlet ran into Mayor Chip who was in charge of the cookie cave. He just finished adding some new structures to the town which included a new addition of a chocolate milk swimming pool. The cookies were trying it out to make sure everything was constructed right. You could see them in the distance sliding down the hills into the pool. Stincel and Ringlet told Mayor Chip they were looking for the secret door that was guarded by the Cotton Candy King. Mayor Chip told them that they were almost there just keep walking straight and don't make any turns.
Stincel and Ringlet thanked Mayor Chip and plucked up a few cookies to eat on their way out. They waved bye and took off again.
They passed through the cheese cave where they saw a mouse tending to his garden and watering his cheese tree. To their surprise they also saw Stinklet and Ambu-Mouse who is the ambulance driver for their hometown Cheeseville. They wondered how Stinklet got down here and how he knew about this place.
Stinklet's tail must have gotten caught in something again. Ambu-mouse is always coming to his rescue to doctor up his tail. Stincel and Ringlet would have talked to them but they were so far away on the other side of where they were at that they couldn't get to them. So they just kept walking and figured they would ask him about it later. Up ahead they could see a golden light.
Stincel and Ringlet found a road made of gold bricks that led to a dark tunnel.
They went through the black tunnel and found the cotton candy king on the other side! THEY WERE SO EXCITED! The floor was made of pink cotton candy and the cave walls were oozing with it too. It smelled of confections everywhere! The king explained to them that if they decided to unlock this door it would change their lives forever. Stincel and Ringlet were not really sure what that meant. They asked if it would change in a bad way. With a gasp the king replied, "Oh my goodness, no no no..... it will forever be changed in a good way!" So without further delay they handed the gold key over to the king to unlock the door.
Stincel and Ringlet's eyes were filled with amazement as the king unlocked the door which appeared to be made of some kind of lemon-strawberry stretched candies.
As the door opened they saw cotton candy plants singing with actual music notes coming out of their mouths. The singing plants were singing a song to eat the music notes. Stincel and Ringlet reached out and grabbed a few music notes and ate them right up.
They even scooped up some of the cotton candy floor and ate that with their music notes.
Suddenly their skin began to change colors.They turned yellow and bright pink polka-dots popped up all over their body.
Then they turned a fuchsia color. What they didn't know was that each music note that they ate would give them a super power for 24 hours and then it was gone. And sometimes it would just be something silly or goofy that would happen. However, when they ate more than one music note including some of the cotton candy floor they scooped up, it caused a glitch in what was suppose to happen. No one had ever ate more than one music note at the same time before. Stincel and Ringlet stumbled upon an incredible mixture that changed their lives forever. They found themselves knowing every single detail good and bad about what was going on down in the hidden Cherry Ice Cream Cave. They were chosen to save the cave from a horrible creature that was trying destroy the Cherry Ice Cream Cave.
Suddenly the entire room that they were standing in vanished before their eyes and they found themselves standing in front of a freezing cold door that required a key to unlock it. They no longer had a key because they had given it to the cotton candy king. Stincel and Ringlet noticed that the rock wall was blue only around the door. Ringlet suggested that they touch the blue rocks and see what happens. So they did.
Letters began appearing on the rocks. They heard a very funny sounding voice say "Guess The Password". It startled Stincel and Ringlet and they couldn't figure out where the voice came from. As they starred at the letters Stincel finally figured out that if you rearrange the letters it spelled out the sentence, OPEN THE DOOR. So Stincel tapped on each letter in the correct order with his finger and said the word out loud and it worked! The door opened!
They walked through the door and found themselves inside the ice cave and boy was it COLD! They were greeted by some odd looking ice creatures. They had these unusual antennas coming out of their fur that could be used for picking up things and also for hearing. When they talked their voices sounded like funny little robots. Stincel and Ringlet thought they were just too cute especially when they run because they just suck their feet up into their body and bounce on their antennas.
What's even more interesting is that they live off of cones of snow for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. #02789F is the name of the furry ice creature that runs the "Cones Of Snow Stand". They grow and tend to their cones of snow garden trees and pluck off what they want. The stand has a list of flavors to pick from that are written in a color code format. The flavors they offer are #efbbd6 Bubblegum Tree, #ff0000 Cherry Tree, #00ccff Blueberry Tree, #64be46 Green Apple Tree, #ff6800 Orange Tree, #a800ff Grape Tree, #000000 Licorice Tree, and #f6ff00 Lemon Tree.
Stincel and Ringlet were taken into the garden area by the ice creature named #02789F. The cones of snow trees would actually glow every few seconds and then stop. Each tree would light up with a soft glow of whatever flavor it was. If it was a cherry tree then it will glow red and if it was a licorice tree then it would glow black.
There was tons and tons of these trees everywhere they looked. Stincel and Ringlet were told they could eat whatever they wanted from the trees.
So Ringlet plucked off a bubblegum cone. Bubblegum is his favorite flavor.
And Stincel reached out for a blueberry cone.
Just as they were about to sink their little teeth into those cones of snow treats they saw Drip Drop the mouse, AKA Freezer Burn in the distance. He was running toward them waving his arms in a panic. Ringlet looked at Stincel and said "What is going on around here? How come we keep seeing others we know from back home at Cheeseville down here in this huge cave?" Stincel was just as puzzled as Ringlet.
Freezer Burn caught up to them and was talking so fast they could barely understand what he was saying. Stincel said, "Calm down Freezer Burn and take a deep breath. Now slowly tell us what is going on." Freezer Burn finally calmed down enough to spit out that he had been notified from the Cherry Ice Cream cave headquarters that it was time to save the cave creatures.
You see, some of Stincel and Ringlet's closest friends back home in Cheeseville were planted in their lives on purpose to make sure that the plan of saving this cave from that horrible creature did not fail. Woodpepper, Freezer Burn and even Pecan and Walnut knew. None of them were allowed to tell Stincel and and Ringlet yet. If Stincel and Ringlet had been told the truth they wouldn't have believed the story and would have abandoned their mission and everyone they knew would be destroyed. It was mostly up to Woodpepper to try to convince Stincel and Ringlet with all of his personal cool stories to make them want to check out the cave for themselves. They knew the revelation had to come to them personally from their own experience rather than being told.
Ringlet spoke up and said to Freezer Burn "After Stincel and I had ate the cotton candy and music notes we both knew that this horrible creature was going to destroy everyone living in this cave and that we both had been chosen to save it. I didn't know how we would save it or even what the creature was but we figured when the time came we would know what to do."
Stincel and Ringlet had known for years that something great was going to happen for them but they couldn't seem to put their finger on what it was. Everything that didn't make sense before, all began to make sense now.
Freezer Burn began to unravel to them the mystery of who the horrible creature was. "His name is Starnote. A villain who is always cooking up a mischievous plan.
His mother is a star named Queen Buttercookie and ruler of the star cookie cave
and his father is a music note named Sir Rhythmic and is the king and ruler of the music note cave. Both caves are located deep within the Cherry Ice Cream Cave.
Starnote not only wants to overthrow both his parents kingdoms, but the entire Cherry Ice Cream Cave. He tried to steal the protected singing cotton candy plants for himself. Starnote wanted to wipe everyone's memory blank and make himself the ruler. This can be accomplished if the cotton candy plants were dug up and planted in any other part of the cavern. They grow in cotton candy soil and if they are rooted up and planted somewhere else, then the music notes that come out of their mouths could be controlled. Starnote would be able to tell the cotton candy plants to sing whatever he wanted. However, Starnote's plan didn't go as expected. He fell through the cotton candy floor somehow and went straight into volcano lava cake land where the bad lava cake men live.
Starnote made a deal with the lava cake king named Roaster that if he could help him get out he would repay them all by giving them a singing cotton candy plant. It was going to take years for Starnote to get out of their underground world. They could only leave when the lave cake volcano stops flowing. It stops flowing every 7 years. The only way out of their world is to crawl up and out of the volcano. 7 years is up now and Starnote and the evil lava cake men are headed in our direction and we can't stop them. The only ones that can stop them are you two!
Ringlet interrupted Freezer Burn, "But what is so special about us? Why can't you guys stop him?"
Freezer Burn said, "It's not Starnote that we are worried about. We can handle him. It's the Lava Cake Men that are coming with him that we are worried about! They melt anything they come in contact with because they are so hot! That is why we need your help. You have something special that can stop the lava cake men. You have a FIRE EATER MAN!
Stincel and Ringlet looked each other with a puzzled look and asked, "What's a fire eater man?"
Freezer Burn said, "He lives under your sink and never moves a muscle. He sits with his mouth hanging open all the time. I saw you use his tail to control fires in emergencies. We don't have fire eater men where we come from. That is why we need you. You own a fire eater man and can stop the lava cake men with him! I saw Ringlet putting out a fire with him one day!"
Stincel and Ringlet busted out loud with laughter. They explained to Freezer Burn that it was not any type of creature but it was only a fire extinguisher that they bought at the store.
Freezer Burn still didn't understand and thought the fire extinguisher was a real creature. He told them to go back home and bring fire eater man back to the cave as soon as possible.
Stincel and Ringlet played along with it and told Freezer Burn they would go get him and bring him back to fight the lava cake men. They didn't know how to get out of the cave so Freezer Burn showed Stincel and Ringlet the exit door that exists in the floor in every cave. It is a tunnel that runs underground through the Volcano Lava Cake land.
Freezer Burn told them, "You might want to hurry up and eat your cones of snow before we go in because they will melt. It's pretty hot down there".
When Drip Drop (Freezer Burn) opened up that exit door you could see see a blanket of heat rolling out that smelled of warm delicious red velvet chocolate cake. Then suddenly Freezer Burn grew really tall. He can grow tall or shrink to a mini mouse when he needs to. He grows big when he walks through Volcano Lava Cake land so he can see what's up ahead. He doesn't want to run into the lava cake men.
So into the secret tunnel they went and headed off back to Cheeseville to fetch Fire Eater Man. The air was so thick with the scent of chocolate lava cake that it could almost be cut with a knife.
"Does the Lava Cake men not know that there is a secret tunnel trap door that we just went through?" asked Ringlet
"No, they don't know about this and we intend to keep it that way," said Freezer Burn.
They all finally arrived back home at Cheeseville. Ringlet ran into his house and grabbed the fire extinguisher and back to the Cherry Ice Cream cave they went.
They finally arrived back at the Cherry Ice Cream Cave and ready to take on the Lava Cake men. They were going to hide inside the entrance and wait for them to show up. And when they do they are going to get it.
Meanwhile, back at Cheeseville, the Lava Cake men and Starnote had already crawled up through the volcano and was headed straight for the Cherry Ice Cream cave. They left footprints behind them as they marched up and out of that volcano.
To be continued...
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