Stinklet the rotten smelly mouse lives at the dump. Cartoon characters illustrated by Jamie Rosier ©

Stinklet The Rotten Smelly Mouse With A Zero IQ

Stinklet the rotten smelly mouse lives at the dump. Cartoon characters illustrated by Jamie Rosier ©
Meet Stinklet, a rotten, smelly mouse that has a zero IQ and tends to get his tail caught in everything. This is why you see him holding his tail a lot. Stinklet lives at the dump in a house that is mostly constructed out of trash and molded cheese. This would explain the foul odor he leaves behind everywhere he goes. You can often see Stincel and Ringlet airing out their office and spraying a ton of room deodorizer after Stinklet leaves. Stinklet was adopted and raised by cockroaches. He is a friend of Stincel and Ringlet and frequently stops by their office to visit them and bring them something gross he baked. Sometimes Stincel and Ringlet will stuff the nasty smelling food in the freezer when Freezer Burn (Drip Drop) is sleeping, and it will stink up the whole freezer and it turns him a nasty green color because the smell soaked into his skin.
Stinklet the rotten smelly mouse. Cartoon characters illustrated by Jamie Rosier ©
Stinklet holding his tail.
Stinklet's Parents, Mr. Odoriferous and Mrs. Malodorous Cockroach. Cartoon characters illustrated by Jamie Rosier ©
Meet Stinklet's Parents, Mr. Odoriferous and Mrs. Malodorous Cockroach. But for short you can call them Odo and Mal. They adopted Stinklet the mouse when he was just a baby and raised him. They live at the dump close to where Stinklet lives.
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